Friday, July 18, 2008

Baby News

Ok, just to give everyone an update I am now about 17 weeks pregnant and thankfully not as sick, but still pretty tired these days! She's kicking and squirming a lot and Devin can even put his hand on my baby bump and feel the tiny movements! No, we don't know if the baby's a girl, it's just easier to say either SHE or HE instead of she/he or even worse "IT". We'll find out on August 11th so stay tuned!

We're going camping in a few weeks and we're all pretty excited! It'll be over Devin AND Kyle's birthday weekend (not to mention our little dog Bobby will be one year old that weekend too!) and we're happy for the time we'll have up in Tahoe! I just need to find myself a good air matress that will fit in our tent so I can get some sleep! If I'm finding it hard to get comfortable in my bed I don't know how I'll fare in the tent! I'll let ya know...


Patty said...

Hi Amber, good to hear how things are going. Have fun camping. Tell Kyle hi for Bethany. Love you.

Caleb said...

It's good that you aren't sick anoymore, and fun that you are able to feel the baby moving. Hope you enjoy camping.